
Thank you

You should receive an email shortly confirming your interest in the Tair Sir exclusive offer

How would you like to have a £50 voucher towards your wall art
in three easy steps !

Step 1
Choose you spot

Look around your home and find where you would love to display your wall art.
Your wall art may take pride and place above your couch, above the fire place, in the dinning room, nursery or you may choose multiple rooms to show off your little one.

Step 2
Take and Send your image

Once you have decide where you want your wall art, click on the button “Send your image” which will open up messenger, Take your photo and send.

Please watch our Studio Walk-through

Terms and Conditions

    • A Payment of £99 is required upon booking to secure your space in our diary
    • Ordering of your images will take place at your Design order session
    • This cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer
    • Only one newborn per session unless multiple births.